Library of Things
Malton & Norton (LoTMN) aims to work towards a more sustainable future;
create opportunities and build awareness of, how individuals and the community
can: share resources, repair items and how to retain items longer to reduce
buying. This will in turn reduce manufacturing, carbon emissions and the amount
of waste in landfill.
In doing so we
promote the health and well-being of residents of the area and increase social
interaction and inclusion by providing a community-led facility that offers a
variety of different volunteering opportunities.
It holds contact
information data on individuals who have expressed an interest in being
involved in its aims and communication regarding activities being organised or
run by the group. This information will be stored on various platforms and
systems for contacting members regarding the operation and administration of
the Library of Things M&N such as MailChimp a third-party communication
We store the
following member’s information in order to check your membership status, to
contact members in case an item is overdue or we have a specific reservation
request and the item is not available. We may also contact you in relation to
any outstanding fees. We store address information for identity verification
for joining or renewing memberships and for borrowing items and in order to be
able to collect an item should this become necessary
Information stored
and processed:
We check but do not
store your date of birth, nor do we store any other ID information that is
checked upon joining.
The information
stored can be viewed by the Library of Things M&N staff, including Volunteers,
and by yourself.
This policy applies
to all electronic and paper versions of this information and the various
storage mechanisms used to retain this information. This may be personal
computer systems, cloud storage systems and online services such as MailChimp.
All members of the
Library of Things M&N Management Committee or appointed persons may be
responsible for processing this data and ensuring it is stored in the correct
The main data risks
are from viruses and malware that may affect the personal computer systems
where this data is held, or online attack of the services used to store the
data, such as MailChimp.
Key precautions to
prevent data breach are updated anti-virus software on all servers
used to store data and using trusted providers for cloud services where data is
Data is kept
accurate by regular communication to interested parties, this may take the form
of electronic newsletters or postal mailings to confirm with members that their
details are up to date.
Data will be
deleted upon request from an individual whose data it is; 1-month post expiry
of the membership assuming there are no outstanding fees; after expiry and
completion of the collection of outstanding fees.
If an individual
makes a request to see their data, this will be provided to them in electronic
format with a target of 5 working days. If the individual does not have access
to electronic communication methods, then the request will be responded to by
post with a target of 10 working days. All members can view their own data in their LendEngine account.
The Library of Things
M&N will not disclose data to other organisations or parties without
obtaining written consent from the individual concerned.